photos were spoiked during a loop around some
lower-Appalachia hills. Spoiked? Okay, I was rummaging for an apt word to
describe half-assed photos snapped in afterthought haste, and the sound
my phone’s
"shutter" makes. Not the classic shutter. Boring. Droplet caricature,
perhaps. I usually turn it off, but for some reason it was active this
day. All right, let’s not wander too far
off the trail …
Hogpen Gap - "Dodd Creek Lookout" Mt. Yonah in background towards the right (over the trunk), Sal Mt. in center. Currahee Mountain in the distant center background. |
This is northern Georgia, USA. My ride arced Dahlonega, Suches, Wolfpen Gap, Vogel, and Hogpen
Gap from northwest of Gainesville. Perfect weather. Lower 70s (F). Brisk on the
northwestern slopes (lower 60s?) at speed, but no handwarmers needed. The bike
is a 2004 BMW R1150RT – my midlife crisis pacifier – purchased in late 2017
with barley over 13,000 miles on the o-meter.
More about her HERE.
To think I almost bought a boat! Maybe that would have been safer ...
Never thought I’d own a motorcycle, let
alone a touring thoroughbred. I’ve rather enjoyed this one so far. Never once
considered trading it. No complaints at all. Still, I wonder exactly how many
rides I have left. Fatigue sets in so quickly unless you do it regularly,
which, I am sad to say, I do not. And yet, I always await the next ride with great
anticipation. Where to? So many choices …
I may have an idea for the next. About this one, though:
I’ve taken two big solo rides so far. First, to Cherohala from Central Florida. Then “The Obligatory Ride” through the Tail of the Dragon.
Wisely trailered her to the Gainesville, GA base for this one. Fatigue on one
hand, Atlanta's traffic zoo on the other. Side roads through the country? Endless stoplights
and too much time (and police). No thanks.
I suppose the “big news” is that we’re loosely in Georgia for the time-being.
My folks could use a little help in their elder years. Wife wanted a change of
scene, so we’re here for a while. Haven’t located our permanent residence yet,
although our odds have increased dramatically since being here. Hope to land it
soon. Have I mentioned the housing market is hopelessly bonkers around here? Patience …
Suches, Georgia, USA |
was taken off the northwestern corner of GA 180 and GA 60. Those acquainted might recognize
the barn-style lodge of Two Wheels of Suches (formerly T.W.O. — Two Wheels Only) camping/cabins
resort in the background — a Famous long-running hamlet for bikers.
Passed by it for decades. This was my first time doing so on a motorcycle. Drum hero
Neil Peart stayed there once. He really left no road untaken.
TWoS is indeed at the heart of Georgia’s finest biking roads. The scenery and
sheer amount of twisties is apex carving heaven. I know some might think the speed
limits are designed for revenue punishment, and in a few cases this would be
accurate, particularly the northern side of Hogpen Gap. Yet, the curviest parts
of GA180 have a 25 MPH limit. I know. What? That’s insane! Um, not really.
Unless you’re of the kneedragger variety, 25 is actually the best you’ll
safely achieve. Worry not, you’ll be entertained, even at that speed.
Speaking of which … SPOIK!
Road noise ….
Probably my favorite WTF moment from the ride. Had to retrace to
find this bend with the opposing signage. The left arrow was more prominent
from my angle of approach, actually. I, um, went with the majority indication. Duh!
this is where I fail as a travel blogger. Enjoyed the ride too much to
frequently stop for photos. Suffice to say, it was over as soon as it
began. Nonetheless, as intended,
the run through these bucolic mountainsides proved a perfect distraction
the year’s calamity. There's quite a lot of minutia involved, so I'll
keep it short. Cardio intervention procedure. The news came shortly after personally packing
up and driving four
truckloads to Georgia. Dental emergency on top of that. And, well, all
typical middle-age drama one incurs with a family life in flux. (or
complete upheaval if I wanted to sensationalize it, which I don't).
Thankfully, covid
complications feel like they’re in the rear view. Drumming, engineering,
writing returns seem further away than ever, but also within grasp.
Almost there …
The ride certainly helps in that return to blissful normalcy. I'm still here. More please!
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